Jesse, what kind of phone?
I just want a cellphone that lasts longer than the contract I have! Is that too much to ask for?
I'm eating corn, black beans, with a little bit of roasted red pepper and onion AIFG. Sadly, i'll be hungry again in 10 minutes.
I just want a cellphone that lasts longer than the contract I have! Is that too much to ask for?
Our current phones - that look like they are former Soviet Union KGB surplus phones - are the only ones that have lasted past the original contract. Due to making a plan change almost two years ago, we have to wait out until March and April for this contract to wait out.
And then, new phones. Woot!
Kilborn was kind of an ass, but... I liked him. The whole smarmy thing tickled me for some reason. Er, anyway, the 5 questions head-smash was from Riki-Oh.
t admires shiny new tag
I'm all official-like now.
It's this phone: [link] Assuming I still like it in person. But I'm 70% sure that's the one I was looking at last month when I though I could get the best deal only to be told no, I had to wait one more month.
I like Kilborne, too.
Jesse, that is a FANCY phone. But you're a fancy kind of girl.
Okay. I feel a lot less like death on toast now. More like coma on toast. Or like I ought to abandon this metaphor.
I don't know if it's the Sudafed kicking in, but at least I'm not shaky and dizzy any more. Now if I could just figure out how to speed up the clock and make it quitting time...
I am fancy! And it's practically free, anyway. So.
Glad you're feeling better, Dana, although I have no help to offer on the time thing. I know theoretically getting more done would make the time go faster, but I just have no interest in any of the things I have on my plate.
I'm remarkably bitchy today. It must be the PMS kicking in. I just got all pissy about my computer (both my desktop and the laptop I was trying to get connected) not working properly, and went into major snit mode. Now, I'm feeling all resentful that I have to work at the bookstore tonight.
I just want to get my vacation started on Friday morning.
I know theoretically getting more done would make the time go faster, but I just have no interest in any of the things I have on my plate.
We should trade plates. That always makes things more interesting.
Actually, speaking of plates, I have one of those random food questions that we cover every so often.
Do you like to mix food, or do you eat all your items separately? I am a big fan of combining meat and vegetables in one bite, or meat and potatoes, or vegetables and rice, whatever is on my plate. My husband, not really a mixer.