In the gym photo, two of the students were also wearing red, which Lazaroff said could be a sign of gang affiliation. One of the two had a red jacket and the other was wearing a red hat.
As best I can tell, because of these photos they think that either 1) the kids actually are in a gang, or 2) are pretending to be in a gang so well that actual gang members, who often go poking around on MySpace, will be fooled, come to the school and kill everyone.
Is the Van Buren school system near Detroit? I ask that because unless the school system has a history of gangs, then it doesn't seem like "wearing red" and/or pretending to be in a gang is serious enough to warrant expulsion.
If there's an issue with Detroit gangs, then I can see more of a potential problem. (Although, honestly, I still think expulsion was overreaction.)
50 Greatest TV Icons.
My goodness Larry Hagman looks young in that picture.
This means I am old, doesn't it?
Is the Van Buren school system near Detroit?
Yes. About 15-20 miles or so. Closer to Romulus, though, which has had a long history of being a violent school district.
Is the Van Buren school system near Detroit?
Yes. About 15-20 miles or so. Closer to Romulus, though, which has had a long history of being a violent school district.
Well, that makes the boys' photos *definite* dumbassery. Expulsion for dumbassery seems extreme to me, though I might feel differently if I had kids.
A friend's son and others were ticketed for a curfew violation a couple weekends ago. They'd gone to a movie at the mall after performing in a school concert so they were all in black pants and white shirts. The officer told them that the identical colors they were wearing were suspicious and so he ticketed them at 10:03 while they were waiting for the parent on duty to come pick them up. It's a $250 fine.
I thought, "A gang of mormons?"
I was going to comment on the school thing again but then I realized I would add a whole bunch of new hedging and my earlier comments already had enough hedging for a victorian garden maze.
my earlier comments already had enough hedging for a victorian garden maze.
Enough hedging for a very large hedgehog?
Enough hedging for a very large hedgehog?
Yes, unless it is an African hedgehog, or a radioactive mutant hedgehog. I'd really need to know more about the hedgehog for a definitive answer.
How much hedge can a Gudanov hedge if a Gudanov hedges the hedges he hedged?