I have a tale of woe for y'all. My mom is off in Newport Beach visiting an old friend at the swanky retirement community she lives at. We are having 10 people to dinner tonight, all journalists who are in town for the car show. We were running around like maniacs last night getting the house presentable for giuests until late., Then while J walked the dog and I was turning off lights, I heard...water dripping. Not dripping, GUSHING. Our water heater gave up the ghost and water was pouring out if it. I grabbed a bucked and started catching and dumping as much water as I could while waiting for Jason to come home.
When Jason came home, he turned off the intake valve, which is when we realized it didn't work and water was continuing to fill the water heater (and spill out if it into the overflowing catbox below. He turned off the water to the whole house, so now we are without any water. Much floor cleaning and dumping buckets in the yard followed. And did I mention I was in my underwear for all of this? I was.
Jason is at home taking care of this today. I am very lucky to have a freelance writer/producer as a husband, as he canceled his gig today and is on the case.