FNL: I missed last week's ep. Coach Taylor is back to be with the family, I'm guessing? What happened to other coach? Huh. Maybe I missed more than one ep.
Too much TV.
Spike ,'Conversations with Dead People'
Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.
FNL: I missed last week's ep. Coach Taylor is back to be with the family, I'm guessing? What happened to other coach? Huh. Maybe I missed more than one ep.
Too much TV.
Jen, they fired the other coach (after Buddy told Coach T he could get him his job back and it was a little bit iffy and Coach T quit the college thing and discovered after how unfirm the Panther's offer really was) and he cleared out after a final visit to Eric.
I don't envy the pilling. I envy the liquid even less because it is nigh impossible to get the liquid into Devi. The pills, I can crush up and dust on wet food.
The liquid with the plunger seems to work pretty well for me. Pills, nsm. The cats completely refuse to eat anything dusted with ground-up pills, and I cannot get them down their throats any other way.
As a chronic singleton, I'm way enamoured of those single servings of wine and champagne one can now buy. I can open stuff for cooking without being reproached by a dying bottle of wine.
Better evem yet is the facility of making myself a mimosa--just one, should I so desire.
Okay, ER part of the weekend is done with. Survive Saturday, witness lovers becoming spouses Sunday, and then I think we start back at the top again.
Sticking anything in Devi's mouth is a dicey game at best stares at punctured fingernail and scratches up and down my arms. If I can get something in her without getting near her mouth with my body parts, that's a score.
I guess it's good to get the weekend ER visit out of the way early ita.
I've located my flashlights, but I had one of those boxes of tapers from Ikea and I haven't been able to find it since I moved. Of course the trick is if/when the power goes out to be near a flashlight/candle and matches. Inevitably they're nowhere near and I'm in the one room without windows.
We got lucky. Our dog is loony, and likes pills. He used to get all excited when we got his pill bottle out and would beg. We tried disguising them in food, but he would eat the food, drop the pill, and then pick the pill back up so he could chew it. Crazy.
In other news, I need to go offline, because I caulked windows and ran speaker wire today, and my mousing tendons are sore. I am so slow. I hope I get better at it soon, or the drywallers will be ready before I am, and I have to leave shortly. I have one million things to do. But am I going to do them? No. I am going to have a hot bath and a lie-down. And maybe later a jalapeno burger.
I envy the liquid even less because it is nigh impossible to get the liquid into Devi.Needleless syringes.
If I can get something in her without getting near her mouth with my body parts, that's a score.Oh. Or, you know, not.
I am glad that Kittenish doesn't do that. Hates it, will hide really effectively, but once I pin her, she "lets" me force her mouth open with the tip and shoot the liquids back.
but I had one of those boxes of tapers from Ikea and I haven't been able to find it since I moved.I found my emergency candle stash! 100 tapers and 500 tealights. Which are all almost gone now, actually. Time for another IKEA trip.
Stay safe, Sue. And maybe light a candle before the power goes out? So you know you have light.
So, you found it, what, two days ago? Three?