I like River stealing a roll from Jayne's plate.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I love Mal's response about crew here, but it really makes things ring wrong with his dealings with Simon on the movie.
running riot of x post there
Oo. There goes the mutant dude across the screen.
All in all not my favorite ep, but it has valuable connections. I guess we'll keep it.
Same time next week for Our Mrs. Reynolds?
I can be here.
It's not my fave, but it's not my least fave either. I'm always impressed at how much I like, how much I love, in my least favorite Firefly eps.
I like it. Shows Summer's dancing abilities, some real good character growth, what with Book calling the ship "home", Mal calling him "crew" and Mal doing that whole "leave nobody behind" bit. And the chivalry of Simon standing up for his sister.
ETA Plus one of Jayne's funnier episodes
I plan to be here. And I'll try to remind AnotherAlaskan closer to the time, since he seems to have forgotten tonight.
And the chivalry of Simon standing up for his sister.
Simon can pushed around, until it comes to River. Then he's ferocious.