I just figured the feds looking under placemets were looking for what they thought of as "clues" or "see what else we can find."
"oh look! a hidden key! there must be a golden lock!"
Ok, I got nothin.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I just figured the feds looking under placemets were looking for what they thought of as "clues" or "see what else we can find."
"oh look! a hidden key! there must be a golden lock!"
Ok, I got nothin.
I love the placemat thing. That was the first thing I thought of when this episode was mentioned. Okay, second after Simon and River hanging onto the outside of the ship. With the placemat guy behind them.
I am always amused by the Feds looking under the placemats
It reminds me of Vonnegut's Church of Jesus Christ the Kidnapped.
Wash is coming in second in the IMDB's shocking deaths poll. (Major plot spoilers)
Aw, damn, I missed it again. Bushwhacked is one of my favorite episodes, too! The best shot was when the camera pulled back from River and Simon clinging to the hull, to show Serenity, and back more to show the huge ship she was clinging to, and then back even more to show the stars and how tiny they all were. That shot gave me shivers.
Also, I loved how it was like two episodes in one. The first part in the empty ship, and when it was over I looked at the clock and it was only halfway through! and then the second part in the Alliance ship. It seemed to me to juxtapose the two worlds and how the Serenity crew didn't fit into either one.
I, Malcolm By Nathan Fillion
Whee! Hopefully that means it's shipping soon.
Dammit, I'm not allowed to buy anything for myself for the next month.
I suppose this gives me something on which to use the inevitable Amazon gift certificate(s)...
I found my complete set of DVDs. I had packed them to take them on a recent (well, sort of recent) trip, and they never made it back out of the suitcase. Still missing the single DVD, but since that's already been over a year, I have no great hopes on that score.
And Una, I don't remember if I've ever skipped passed the credits on Firefly, but it's not my practice, and I almost always do with other shows.
And DCJ, thanks for sharing. I think I just fell in love all over again.
You know that Hero Project that Nathan Fillion's involved with? There are t-shirts.