I still have to see the Big Damn Movie, although I am a little prejudiced against it because Allyson and (I think)jengod didn't get mad props. As they SHOULD have.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I can loan you the disc whenever you'd like.
Thanks, dcp! But it's on Netflix right now; I just need to...sit on my ass and watch it. SO taxing...
I can do that for you. Happy to carry that burden.
I am a little prejudiced against it because Allyson and (I think)jengod didn't get mad props. As they SHOULD have.
MM and I just watched it and were surprised the Variety ad got ONE mention and then ... nothing. They didn't even show it.
Does anyone know what the hell happened? Did someone bite Joss's sister? Or as far as we know was this whole "ignore the fans who did the most for Firefly" thing random assholishness?
Firefly returning as a graphic novel. The article also mentions the Firefly board game which came out on September 1st. (I hadn't realized that there was going to be a board game.)
Although Amazon says that the board game hasn't been released yet.
Amazon is great about saying things either haven't been released yet or are out of print when they don't come from major publishers. (I see it all the time with Pathfinder RPG materials and they've been claiming so for months with The Dresden Files RPG while there is actually a comment from the maker of the game saying on the pages for the books "This is still in print! OMGWTFBBQ!?!")
Firefly online registered. dcjensen, of course.
So, anybody gonna be at Can't Stop the Serenity this weekend?