Wonder if the gentlemen woulda ebolized all those marshalls if they had NOT talked to Simon and River?
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Wait, no closing instrumental theme?
Well, it has been lovely watching with you again.
Wonder if the gentlemen woulda ebolized all those marshalls if they had NOT talked to Simon and River?
That seemed to be the implication. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't have deaded the whole lot anyway.
Science Channel is advertising "new" Firefly every Sunday. It's new to *them*, anyway. They're showing Bushwhacked now. One of my favorite episodes.
Someone posted photos several years ago. I don't know what they were doing in a landfill outside Las Vegas, but they stumbled across the partly disassembled ambulance copter thingy. Still had the decals on the outside.
I remember Tim being really impressed with the Firefly set because they could do a tracking shot the full length of the ship. And several of the actors, notably Summer, used to hang out in parts of the "ship" that weren't being used for filming, just soaking up the atmosphere of the ship.
Great show. Shame it sank without a trace, and nobody remembers it, huh?
Great show. Shame it sank without a trace, and nobody remembers it, huh?
I will have to finish up watching, because I love the resolution with Jayne. And I love Jayne as a character and how complex he was, for an apparently simple guy. I loved that you understood his villainy, and you understood his character arc.
Forgot to bring it up last week, but i did read Shepherd's Tale yesterday and while i enjoyed the backstory, i don't feel like there is a gap somewhere that does not explain why his id card buys him such defference from alliance folks.
specifically, if he was discharged as an embarrasment and humiliation and left to die in an escape shuttle to a deserted planet...why would alliance go out of their way to help him? Seems like they would still want him dead.
Check out the cover of the upcoming Entertainment Weekly. He's such a geek: [link]
Science Channel is advertising "new" Firefly every Sunday.
Yeah, I just saw an ad on Science Channel. Now, I love Firefly. A lot. But it's science fiction, not science.
I think thay are calling them "new" because of the added content of somebody discussing the scientific basis for elements of the show. I haven't watched, yet, though.