I had to rewind to the red button, to explain the meta to the SO. That still makes me all verklempt.
So very much this. There's this tiny hope, too, that they will be able to use it again... If Nathan does win the lottery, or the "Help Nathan Buy Firefly" campaign gets that far. It could happen, right?
Science Channel is showing Serenity and Train Job.
Are we up for a W&P this evening?
I would love a W&P. My guests will be getting here about halfway through so I'll probably have to abort, but I think a W&P would be great.
Alright. I'll post in Press.
Having technical difficulties again (dvd player) - hopefully I can get the thing to cooperate in a timely fashion. At least I have more time to deal this week, last week I was awfully rushed.
Ha ha! Success! Unlike last week when I couldn't get the dvd player to read the cleaner disc, this week it did after some jiggery-pokery. So, clean dvd player equals able to read the Firefly dvd.
Incidentally, I'm cued up to stirring fiddle music and Serenity speeding along at a jaunty angle.