Crud, I'm going down to hang with my parents.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Firefly starts showing today on the Science Channel. Looks like Serenity (the episode) will be on at 5 PST, Train Job at 7.
I can watch and post tonight!
yay! i sadly left my netbook at a friend's house and need to retrieve it in order to, ya know, watch on my desktop while posting...but pretty sure i can rescue my netbook and be home and cued up by 17:30.
Wow, we've gotten all the way to "Out of Gas".
Oh! I love this episode. I'll have to catch up after. wah
Laga, I'll miss you.
Well, I forced myself to watch Jayne's Town, too. So I;m all caught up.
Can't wait for the w&p!
Out of Gas is possibly my favorite episode of anything.
Mine, too, Zen!