"I would never have tried to rescue River if I had known there was a dinner party at risk."
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I love how strung-out Simon looks in this scene
Gabriel Tam: choo fay wuh suh leh –over my dead body [literally, [not] unless I die]
Patron: nyen ching-duh –young one
As I understand it, the variety of witch craft actually forbidden in that bit of scripture is more about mind altering drugs than about psychic abilities. I could, however, be wrong.
The Patron's line delivery is just so wooden. It's jarring.
"Yeah, simpler."
"maybe someday I will" guh
Simon laying about him with his bare fists. Not his first choice of handling a situation (The Doctor would appreciate that about him).
Post-holer. For digging holes for posts.
Light it.
Time to go.
Big Damn Heroes, sir.
Ain't we just.
"Gotta say doctor, your talent for alienating folk is damn near miraculous."
"Yes, I'm very proud."