Mighty fine shindig.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Mighty fine shindig.
I was gonna watch, it was very exciting.
Kaylee's room, with the dress hanging displayed.
Inter-engine fermentation?
Wouldn't that be, I dunno, toxic?
It's... very fresh. I love that.
Why would I want to leave Serenity?
Can't think of a reason.
I missed one
Mal: yu bun duh (stupid)
I love the cow reveal.
One quibble. If you've ever worked on or visited a farm...those cows? Would not be so quiet during the romantic speech. I'm just saying.
Inter-engine fermentation?
Maybe it's not so much interior to the engine, as wrapped up around the doings, so as to take advantage of heat.