I think I will do that, too, Bonny, although I will be watching with netflix.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I have my disc in, hit play for the Train Job and then hit pause on the first couple of frames. When 8pm rolls around, I will hit play again.
That sounds like what I have been doing. I am not sure why I wasn't making the connection between what you were saying before and what I was doing. Sometimes a description that someone tells me, my mind comes up with a mental picture that is different from what they really mean, no matter how accurate their description, and I have trouble grokking it.
I'm nobody's hall monitor though and synchronicity may be no one's concern but mine, so it ain't no big thang. But, that's my plan.
I think other people mentioned getting better synchronized last time around, as something that would increase our enjoyment, make it slicker and smoother. Not in those words. For some reason, "slick" is my word of the week, and I keep using it.
Appropos of our event tonight and of geekery in general Cakewrecks features some pretty cool cakes today. The Serenity cake is both literally and figuratively, shiny.
bonny, I like your idea and will do this, I got ahead of and then a little behind last time.
Hey, I'm here! Watching the last 1/2 hour of Serenity right now.
Should I dig up my book with the Chinese translations?
I'll be waiting with my finger on the "Play" button and hitting refresh until I see your signal, bonny!
Laga, if you did get your book out, that would be brilliant.
I'm cued up to the guy sitting in the bentwood/wicker chair right under that big lamp with his back to us, half the screen is dark, maybe that's a dancer in the way?
Laga, that would be great!