Didn't say want. Said Will.
Mal: You want to tell me how come there's a statue of you here looking at me like I owe him something? Jayne: Wishing I could, Captain.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
omnis_audis - Dec 26, 2010 3:12:59 pm PST #3057 of 5293
omnis, pursue. That's an order from a shy woman who can use M-16. - Shir
beekaytee - Dec 26, 2010 3:13:26 pm PST #3058 of 5293
Compassionately intolerant
Hard to tell, face like yours.
Morgana - Dec 26, 2010 3:13:47 pm PST #3059 of 5293
"I make mistakes, but I am on the side of Good," the Golux said, "by accident and happenchance.” – The 13 Clocks, James Thurber
It was really hard for me to accept the antagonistic relationship between Mal and Simon in the movie, because by the end of the series they had come to a much better standing. Not that they were best buddies or anything, but they were much friendlier than this.
omnis_audis - Dec 26, 2010 3:13:55 pm PST #3060 of 5293
omnis, pursue. That's an order from a shy woman who can use M-16. - Shir
Anyone else read The Shepherd's Tale?Dang it, I have it, arrived at crazy schedule time. I knew I forgot something. Too late to hit pause now.
WindSparrow - Dec 26, 2010 3:14:17 pm PST #3061 of 5293
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.
Here is us, on the raggedy edge. Don't push me, I won't push you.
omnis_audis - Dec 26, 2010 3:14:33 pm PST #3062 of 5293
omnis, pursue. That's an order from a shy woman who can use M-16. - Shir
Not that they were best buddies or anything, but they were much friendlier than this.But his sister wasn't going on walkabout to eat bugs.
beekaytee - Dec 26, 2010 3:15:03 pm PST #3063 of 5293
Compassionately intolerant
Whaddhe say, whaddhe say?
We don't have any of our Chinese speakers here this evening, do we?
dcp - Dec 26, 2010 3:15:21 pm PST #3064 of 5293
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
"This is what I do."
Morgana - Dec 26, 2010 3:15:32 pm PST #3065 of 5293
"I make mistakes, but I am on the side of Good," the Golux said, "by accident and happenchance.” – The 13 Clocks, James Thurber
I think if Joss had his way River would never wear shoes. Ever.
WindSparrow - Dec 26, 2010 3:15:32 pm PST #3066 of 5293
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.
Anyone else read The Shepherd's Tale?
I haven't yet. Was my guess warm or cool?