I dunno if we have thought that far ahead. I think for post xmas, let's start with the movie. And then if the xbox thing works cool, or we say frak it, and just do traditional dvd/BR wnp, or combo, or whatever. Well, we can cross that bridge when we get there.
So? Votes for 26 or 27??
I'll be watching the day after, regardless, so either day works for me.
27th! (though not a deal-break if it goes the other way. I mean, I'll miss the live aspect, but will happily post comments after the fact)
26th, but apparently I may be occupied with gaming one or both of those days.
So I'll help test tonight (19:00 board time, check), and play the rest by ear.
Raq, I may be a bit late. Stuck in Irvine still.
Will be 15-20 min late. Ack!!
On now. Invite sent. Screen looks like MST3k.
We missed each other, but it sounds like we both did independent tests. It does seem to work. We aren't sure of the chat ability, or what happens if someone comes late. It looks like a member of the party can pause/rr/ff the movie. And you can do "emoticons". But on the whole, we both don't think it adds anything significant to the WnP process, as we "chat" here rather than in the "watching party". If a bunch did, it might be interesting, but then there might be less posts from the group watching together, and not so much of a WnP. Plus, the movie size is reduced so the TV picture has a few rows of movie chairs with your avatars watching the film. Very MST3K like. But then, you aren't getting big picture experience. So... it's a "eh" reaction.
I'm happy to WnP that way if anyone wants to. But it seems to me that if you have the DVD, that would be better. No need for a good network connection and what not.