An Encore Postformance.
Or, there aren't that many episodes (sad face): we could do another run-through on a different day when we get to the end.
I'm leery of changing the days all the time; then no one remembers when it is. (I'm thinking of a certain television network...)
We seemed to generate plenty of discussion even with folks who weren't at the WnP. I can watch at the same time as everyone, but I haven't the technological capability to WnP, so I just watch the ep on my own time and join in on the discussion when I can. Seems to work!
I like the idea of alternate WnP's. As this week work has a "function" that we all dread but have to attend. Grrrr.
catching up on DVR that was recorded while I was away. While watching LIFE from NBC, I couldn't help but notice our lovely Mrs. Reynolds.
Can someone with better Google-Fu than I help find a full body shot of Saffron from Our Mrs. Reynolds? Preferably in her dress?
Something like this, Aimee?
That's my favorite Firefly screencaps site. I bet they have something that will work for you.
hmmm, I wonder what MM thinks of that? (thinks back to conversation last week in Bitches.... ooops, wrong thread)
I'm opposed to changing the current schedule for w&p...even though I probably can't make it this week...infirm relative care...relative with DIAL UP...stands in the way.
But restarting the w&p at the end would be fun. New insights!
Read and post sounds like fun too.
I'm with Bonny here. And I'm hoping we have a bigger turn out than last week!