It's been 8 years?! Wow... that's shocking to me!
And I keep converting people too! They always thank me after they get addicted and then we get all bitter together that it was canceled.
Hehe... I converted my boyfriend as well with my DVD set, and when we had a coupon someplace, he insisted we get the blue ray set. I fell in love with him a little more because of that!
Oh, and Gina Torres needs to be a major tv or movie star right now. I don't understand why she's not yet!
Isn't it 7? Aidan just turned 7, and I was pregnant with him when it was canceled.
Poor little Aidan. He will forever be associated with that, huh?
He should be glad he didn't end up named Jayne.
I'm pretty sure my husband wouldn't have liked that, though it is a very cool name. I couldn't name him Simon, that reminds me of Chipmunks, and Mal reminds me of malcontent, and Wash? Um, yeah, no. So, Aidan. Which confused everyone in our families because no one's named that and then it turned out to be one of the most popular names of the year.
at least he'd be a hero, and have his own song, and a cool hat.
Huh. I wonder if I could talk Greg into changing it...
Wouldn't you have to talk Aidan into changing it too?