Kinda like "Murder He Wrote" or something?
Backing up to the cunning hat and the cunning omnis in it, I didn't mean that there was anything wrong with it being crocheted. I just hadn't see crocheted ones before.
Not sure of the difference. All I know is that puppy is WARM! Which, for the theater, is very much needed. Of course, after I get said hat and wear it, boss man (who is new too) decides to try and play with the temperature control. From what I hear, that is a dangerous thing. We shall see if the concrete has melted when I'm back in the building tomorrow.
Linked from a Firefly LiveJournal post:
his youtube performance of Jayne's Song:
The Firefly BD cast reunion/lunch extra is hilarious. Many laugh out loud moments.
I can't afford a PS3 *sobs* (except without the actual sobbing)
Okay, just finished watching 3:10 to Yuma, and I have to say (spoilery for 3TY)
Wash just can't catch a break. I swear, Alan just finished saying, did you see me hit that guy with the shovel...and blam. For now on, Alan has to be well clear of the bad guys before he's allowed to crack wise.
I think I'll watch
We went with "Heart of Gold" this evening.
t insert faux Chinese here
stupid Inara, leaving like that.
Heart of Poo, I think Tim once called it.
Wasn't someone involved with the show also calling it "Showers of Gold"? (As in urination rituals, not as in Rumplestiltskin.)