*sits with Jars*
'The Killer In Me'
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Aw, I missed it. Worked late and totally forgot. But I love reading the comments! Now I'll go back and watch again, and read all your comments at the appropriate times.
How much I love this show.
I would be up for changing the time and day of the watch n post so that everyone gets a chance to participate but the last time I suggested that the only comment I got was negative.
Nah, I wouldn't change the time Laga. Ultimately, there is no date or time everybody could make.
136 messages! *draws hearts around the thread*
I watched the episode ahead of time (and took notes--what a nerd!), because I knew I was going to be out of town at a seminar last night. Most of it is New Things I Noticed in "Serenity" (and how much do I love that, after 4 years, there are still things I hadn't seen before?):
- the Crybaby is a caffeine container!
- Establishing shot (er, post-orgasm) of Inara's shuttle: I was idly wondering to myself what the Chinese character on the object is, and noticed the object was an hourglass. Which is nifty since the client later accuses her of speeding up her clock. (I assume the character is "time" or a variant)
- Out of all the worlds we saw, I think Persephone has the most Asian flavour. Not primarily Asian--it's a spaceport, and very melting-pot, but there's the lady with the characters tattoed on her face, and the straw cone-shaped hats.
- How much do I love that the shuttles are ladybugs?? (I noticed that before, but I still lurve it.)
- Notice that they dropped the "Ambassador" appelation for Inara almost immediately? It would have worked better as a misdirect if they'd continued calling her that. (ignoring the meta of the pilot being shown friggin' last.)
- ...ZOMG, what's in the box?!?! *eye roll at FOX to infinity*
- Here's something I probably should have noticed a long time ago: when the Reavers are passing and Siimon goes to check on River, his face is red where Mal punched him! hee.
- I *love* NF's delivery of "Also, certain....bullets." And I love even more "I believe that woman's planning to shoot me again." They're great lines anyway, but NF just owns them.
- I think they should have taken the horses with them at the end.
- It bears repeating, Mal's Indy Jones moments where he just shoots things (Patience's horse, the Fed) without fanfare.
...I should just make this an LJ post, huh? Well, you all get spammed anyway, so there. ;-)
Now, to catch up:
Except for the glowy, sticky, 'splodey goo on the door. Not sure why the wire in the gel captured my attention so much.
Nothing like the Buffistas to make you feel validated...I am always distracted by the wire! I wonder if that's a practical effect, and if so, how they did it.
...Words cannot express my love for the theme song. Nor the shot at the end of the credits, with Serenity buzzing the herd of horses. *love.*
I like how there's no noise in space.
*draws hearts around this too*
Is River wearing the same robe Inara wrapped around Kaylee after she was shot?
(I am going to be disgusted at myself that I remember this without having the show in front of me.) It is the same robe; with Kaylee she pillowed it under her head in the cargo bay. Later, when the naked box girl appears, she whipped it off again (I would not put it back on after using it as a pillow for my wounded best friend, but whatever).
I'll definitely be rewatching the commentary this week. I loves me the Joss 'n' Nathan Show.
I think they should have taken the horses with them at the end.
I thought that too, it's not like they didn't earn them, but they'd have needed feed and bedding for them at least temporarily so probably the practical thing leaving them on the world.
Nothing like the Buffistas to make you feel validated...I am always distracted by the wire! I wonder if that's a practical effect, and if so, how they did it.
We are one!
And, yeah...that was the very first "huh, how'd they do that?" moment I had with Firefly. In fact, except for the ice planet technology (ice cream on a string?), what I loved was that everything was so plausible that I didn't scratch my head much. The 'effects' were so integral to the landscape, I hardly noticed them.
Indeed, bonny fides - I definitely think the VFX in Firefly are head and shoulders above pretty much anything I've seen on TV before or since. The only exception I can give is the BSG 'reentry/jump' scene.
I'm so bummed the LAX gate troubles kept me from joining in. I did watch while flying. Some fab moments include, but not limited to:
The fed shot, the whore giving the priest absolution, the best strawberry eating known to TV, the concerned Jayne at the infirmary window,evil Capt saying Kaylee is dead, the hot entrance out of deep freeze, golly a ton more.
Haven't rewatched, but here's a thing I loved: after they've chatted with Patience, and everyone's kinda kidding around about how they should shoot her this time, and Mal's been all jokey about the bullet, he gets up and suddenly just knocks some rattly thing off something and it goes clattering away and everyone gets real quiet. It's the look on his face, like, this shit ain't funny no more, and I just might be about to kill somebody.