Apparently Jewel & I got hitched. I'd have known about this earlier had I been watching Stargate Atlantis. (her character name shares a last name with me). Ya think that line would work if I somehow ran into her? A fella can dream, I suppose, right?
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
That is adorable. You really MUST use that line when you meet her at a con. I can just see her posing for wedding photos.
looks like I need to go to a con now.
one of the LJ Firefly groups had this link: [link] Firefly Tea!
I made fun of the fox but I want the tea.
A Firefly fan meets a FOX Development Exec: [link]
Wow. That's. Wow.
I know this guy thinks he struck a blow for all that is good and right in the 'verse, but the truth is he probably came across as a craxy tunnel-visioned fanboy with issues and the Fox guy is thinking "We should never make another show like that again, these guys are wack-jobs."
I have to agree with MM. Fans should try to remember that revenge won't get them what they want next time. Of course reasonable discourse probably won't turn the tide against the bottom line, either, but a politely--and logically--registered opinion leaves a better impression than a Reaverishly-behaved fan does. A reminder that fans can--and have done--arrange boycotts of sponsors' products is a subtle nudge that fan opinion could affect that bottom line, and about the only fan action that could.
The largest impediment to effective fan action is forgetting that teevee isn't about entertainment. It's about selling product. A tv show is only there to hold the audience's interest in between attempts to sell them things. A network is going to go with a show that will appeal to the most spendy demographic, and little else is going to change that.
Yeah, that kind of thing will help. *headdesk*