Mal's reaction to River's "Go, now!" justifies all the times he's ever expected someone else to just listen, trust and obey.
That's a good point, because really I'm not sure how much reason River has given Mal to trust her in a life or death situation. But he's giving her his trust here.
stupid brother ruining a perfectly good plan!
Hi all, just got home. Joining in with Andi.
"You're not right, Early."
I love how she just drives a splinter into his brain. He is such an awesome actor. She's a woman taking down a man who believes women as weak and continually tries to exploit that thought.
River's speech here about going with Jubal always breaks my heart.
they kinda had to do that after they talked about it. I love heroic though misguided Simon.
"he takes so much looking after" So sweet
And finally they end with the answer to Mal's question asking who would fix the Dr if he got shot. Heheheh.