Ahhhhh! The violins! They kill me.
'Out Of Gas'
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
Oh man. Now the part I hate the most.
Also. Never noticed the repetition of lines in this episode. It's as if, knowing it would be the last, they ran out of words.
very sad. It does show the character depth of Mal taking care of his crew, even when they ain't his crew anymore.
That look of Nathan's. At one point, I thought it was sadness, but now it looks angry. Retro-perspective, I guess.
"Heart of Gold" next week.
I like that one
sounds good
So Laga, was it the barker?
Sorry I missed tonight, but it was great to read about it after the fact. The internet was, indeed, expensive and I had to board about half way through the wnp. The flight was good and fun (with lots of librarians, yeah!) but the hotel at some point cancelled my reservation (boo). I have a room tonight (yeah!), but don't know yet about tomorrow or the rest of the conference (boo). Wish me luck!
Oh, and it turns out that a good friend was able to come to the conference when it didn't look like she would be able to, so (yeah!) for the win!
And in on-topicness, I made a Jayne hat for AnotherAlaskan, who apparently forgot tonight, and who actually wore it for one or two winters before he lost it. I love that hat.
was it the barker?
It was Simon saying, "yup, it's a cow fetus" and me realizing that finally I was getting to watch a show set in the future with no aliens.
If people were curious, the first draft of my adventure, The Seven Arks of Cibola! has gone off to Margaret Weis to be edited AKA shredded
I can't wait!