nice x-post laga.
OMG, LOL @ BigD!
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
nice x-post laga.
OMG, LOL @ BigD!
ok WTF is that, macrame?
it looks like ice planets or maybe chrysanthemums
I would say so, BD. No magic hoo-hah in this verse.
Oh, good. It's not just me then, Laga. I must have seen this 20 times. How did I not notice that before?
BigD can you do the Chinese next week? Do you need a transcript?
So, next week is Out of Gas, right?
Oh man I can't believe I don't get to watch Out of Gas with you guys. What a great episode.
I'll drag AnotherAlaskan here if I have to, for that one.
I think if everyone's first sexual experience was with a companion it would be setting up the rest of one's sex life for disappointment.
call a sick day!