I totally need a bell, omnis. The sad thing is, I've not been doing a local thing because of the watch and posts, and someone asked me if I was going to the local thing, and I said no for a completely different reason. Although, to be fair, even if I remembered I don't know if I could have done it last night, as I didn't get home until almost start time and had an urgent call that I had to return right away because of a time difference.
Yes, that's me. I can come up with an excuse for anything.
Laga I'll step up for the Chinese, I've got the trusty script books sitting by the pc anyway (quote fodder and all). So who all is good for this week???
"Defying Gravity" Serenifly vid.
Tim came across it and sent the link to Joss, who Whedonesqued it.
I didn't hate it.
Course, one about YoSafBridge to "Loathing" would be very funny.
Would ya'll say that there was a lot of Indian influence when it came to a companion's mode of dress. Most def Chinese, but I seem to recall a lot of Sari-like outfits, as well. And I seem to be finding a lot in the screencaps.
I ask because buying a sari is way cheaper and less time consuming than making Saffron's dress because I have 3 browncoats to make by next Saturday.
Something like this? [link]