Does an appointment at the Genius Bar cost money?
Nope, but the proposed solutions to whatever problem brought you there usually will. Though sometimes stuff just gets inexplicably fixed for free. I brought Hec's iPod in to the Genius Bar a couple of weeks ago after it had been stubbornly refusing to do anything but be a very dead and very expensive paperweight for over a month. The iPod genius ran a diagnostic thingie on it, proclaimed it dead and basically unfixable, gave me a list of expensive options and handed it back to me. When I returned its corpse to Hec, it suddenly started working again.
Matilda update: She has started tantruming, so far all fashion-related meltdowns. Two nights ago she got her tiny mitts on a Coach bag my dad had gotten for me, and spent an hour toddling around the living room trying to get the strap to stay on her shoulder and crying with frustration when it wouldn't (also crying with rage when Hec tried to take it away from her). Last night she dug through her outgrown stuff, found a pair of tiny black patent shoes, and presented them to Hec insisting that he put them on her. They completely didn't fit, whereupon she melted down again.
Matilda tantrums happen thusly: Her knees buckle, she swoons, she puts her forehead to the floor, and then she weeps forlornly. It's really kind of funny. Or possibly I am callous and strange.
Bad, bad Owen, interrupting Mommy's yoga!
Both facts about Matilda (the swooning tantrums and the fact that they are fashion-related) SLAY me.
That's exactly how I like to throw tantrums! The forehead on the floor is very soothing.
I only do this when I am at home by myself because of societal pressure against throwing tantrums, but I totally get where Matilda is coming from.
And I have no doubt that it's funny.
Matilda tantrums happen thusly: Her knees buckle, she swoons, she puts her forehead to the floor, and then she weeps forlornly. It's really kind of funny. Or possibly I am callous and strange.
Ha! No you are not! I find tantrum knees to be HI-Larious!
Sometimes I tell Mr. Jane when I've been sitting on my legs (or maybe had one too many) that I have tantrum knees!
Hee, one of the tough parts of dealing with your child's tantrums is resisting giggles or breaking out the camera. I for one would love to see a Matilda swooning tantrum.
My completely sucky day drove me to come home from the office and eat ritz with xsharp cheddar and red pepper washed down with red wine. That did help and I will wait until tomorrow to feel guilt.
What helped bunches was looking through my mail and finding a card from Fay! Now I am grinning, partly from the wine, but evermoreso from the mail from Thailand!
Huzzah! Well, me sending Christmas cards happens about once a decade, Laura, so you were in luck there!
She has started tantruming, so far all fashion-related meltdowns. Two nights ago she got her tiny mitts on a Coach bag my dad had gotten for me, and spent an hour toddling around the living room trying to get the strap to stay on her shoulder and crying with frustration when it wouldn't (also crying with rage when Hec tried to take it away from her). Last night she dug through her outgrown stuff, found a pair of tiny black patent shoes, and presented them to Hec insisting that he put them on her. They completely didn't fit, whereupon she melted down again.
OMG, that is truly awesome. Bless.
Ha. I thought my not-quite-three year old nephew's tantrum was pretty funny. He was mad because his dad made him wash his hands. Boy did he scream. My wish for him was that this was the worst thing that ever happened to him.
Timing, however, is crucial to finding temper tantrums funny
I need to note for the record that Matilda is completely capable of keeping the strap for Mommy's coach bag on her shoulder and looked quite the fashionista toddling around the living room.
It was only when I took it away (as it was filled with mommy's phone - one of which Matilda had already gummed to death - license, money, keys and other essentials) that she flew into a rage.
And yes, her tantrums are completely distraught and worthy of Greta Garbo playing Camille. She gets lower and lower to the ground, sobbing disconsolately then when her forehead touches the ground she goes prostrate like a penitent. With sobs.
Not quite a tantrum, but Annabel got in trouble Christmas evening for coloring on the walls, which I thought she'd known better than to do for at least a year. We were talking to her about it and asking her if she understood why it was wrong. She promptly replied, "Because I get a time-out."
So it turns out she's still not so clear on morality and respecting other people's things...
At least she understands cause and effect....