Gronk. At 10:30, I tell Tom, "OK, we'll just watch the rest of the 5th inning and then go to bed." (The Sox were up something like 6?8?-1 at this point). A half hour later, at 13-1 and a pitcher that was walking batters home, I had to go to bed. It was a train wreck and I was exhausted. They'd batted everyone in the lineup and gone through 3 pitchers. Mostly with 2 outs. So it was still the 5th inning.
considers how awesome an extra 10K would have been when buying the house.
Ten grand is cheap? I am way, way out of touch with the wedding culture. I just... I, um, never mind.
when the second generation of Buffistas take over the world.
armed with a stash of Lush products, sparkly shoes, and... [come on, who's awake?]
armed with a stash of Lush products, sparkly shoes, and... [come on, who's awake?]
...proper punctuation, corsets, swords, and Fernet.
I'm all dressed up and ready to go find coffee. I look all professional and shit. Craziness!
I see those nursing covers all over the place here in the land of the so-called Stroller Mafia. I don't have one myself, but I don't think they're entirely unpractical - nursing a 4-month old in public is close to impossible without a cover because they're so distractable. It's less about modesty and more about restricting the number of things your baby can pay attention to so he won't turn his head 180 degrees with your nipple still in it. (And having the neck strap means he can't pull it off, which is the problem with just using a recieving blanket.)
proper punctuation
Serial commas: The Next Generation
Have a great day, vw! I'll see you at dinner on Saturday in SF! (I will not look professional.)
that's a good point - about the baby not being distracted. Ellie was generally a pretty calm nurser, but I can see how it might help if your baby wasn't.
Speaking of grammar and punctuation, sort of - I'm going to a lecture by David Crystal tonight. I haven't read any of his books though. Anybody have any thoughts?
Still worried about the fires. The news reports are saying you might get a bit of a break with winds today. Love the controlled fire, not so crazy about the uncontrolled variety.
I didn't use a cover up thing with the boys. They were pretty focused on the task at hand. It was pretty easy for me to nurse everywhere and anywhere. Although I did get a look or two because of their size. The boys, not the boobs.
Poor Sox Bear! Although it seems the bear got the last laugh last night. I went to bed around 10:45.
Good to see Teppy, sorry to hear about the ouchies.
My wedding was super cheap. Bought the fabric and a friend made the dress. Bought the food and sisters and friends made the eats. Paid $60 to rent a pavilion at a lovely county park with Japanese gardens. (rented chairs) My friend picked a dress from her closet, but the boys did rent tuxes. It was a coordinated effort and friends and family. If I had to do it again I would have people bring a dish much like a regular party. Bottom line, it has to be what the couple wants. Fabulous huge expensive weddings are fine if the family and couple wants it - hey I'll show up and dance and raise a glass to them.
Have a great day Ms Professional Bug. I miss posting with you in the morning!
I know there was more, but skimmed too quick. Also, a kitten wants to move in to my house. Georgia is not thrilled with this idea. For now I am just kicking them both out after they eat. I don't think I can deal with another animal, but it just keeps rubbing against my leg, and making kitty noises, and I have to come up with another plan.
I'll see you at dinner on Saturday in SF!
I just heard that last night. I don't know how I missed it. I'm so excited!
(I will not look professional.)
Well, that makes perfect sense!
Have a great day Ms Professional Bug.
I will try!
I miss posting with you in the morning!
I know! We miss you too! You need to be less busy!