It's coldish here, but not really freezing.
I went to Moo Shoes with my sister today. She bought me my birthday present: this bag: [link] (the color on the right.) I also came very close to buying this t-shirt: [link] I'm usually not so big on shirts with slogans, but this one was subtle, and really pretty.
I'm watching Invader Zim the Most Horrible X-Mas ever. Ooh I need eggnog and fruit cake.
I'm watching Invader Zim the Most Horrible X-Mas ever. Ooh I need eggnog and fruit cake.
Heh. Emmett and I were singing that particular carol all the way home on the Muni this evening.
"Bow down! Bow down! / Before the power of Santa / Or be crushed / Be crushed / Byyyyyy........His JollyBootsofDoom!"
Or possibly I was singing it a lot and he was telling me to shut up because I was embarrassing him.
Hey David, are you or JZ going to be available (and willing) for a laptop handoff tomorrow morning?
Er, later on this morning, I guess, what with it being after midnight and stuff. But, you know, after sleep and stuff.
ok, gifts are wrapped, GPS maps loaded for trip down south, and gift cards with forged writing (I told my sister of the overpayment issue, so she left the greeting card unsealed, so I could include a couple extra gift cards to her from them, which helped keep me from giving her a TON of gift cards plus gifts). I must say, it was the 1st time I've ever wrapped gifts to me. Now I should be sleeping. Ya. Not doing so well. oy.
Save travels Sean & S! Hope to see you sometime soon.
I broke a tooth, and my dentist isn't in the office until the 26th. All recommendations from a co-worker who used to be a dental technician have proven themselves completely incapable of staying on this particularly slick tooth, and the nature and location of the break has created a lovely serrated surface upon which the side of my tongue insists on slicing itself open. Waiting at work tomorrow is a smorgasbord of leftovers from today's potluck, which i now cannot even think about enjoying without major mouth pain. Sweet, this is gonna be the best Xmas EVER!
On the bright side, no projectile vomiting since i won't be eating solids!
I don't know why I'm up in the middle of the night, what with the no school and no work should equal no stress and easy sleeping, but here I am. I got an A- in my other class - the one with the crazy tough professor. I'm feeling pretty good about myself at the moment.
e_o, did you get the dental repair stuff from the drugstore? I've had pretty good luck with the epoxy-like stuff.
seconding Ginger's recommendation