Kristin, here's what I would recommend:
First, if you may possibly be dehydrated from grading stress, drink some fluids.
Second, if there is NO inflammation/swelling, apply some heat. Heat helps muscle spasms, but if there is inflammation heat adds more fluid to an over-fluid filled area. A hot shower also helps to apply the heat and might make you feel better.
Third, I would try to gently massage, starting where the stabby spot is. Small circles or whatever helps all along the base of the skull will help loosen all of the muscles that attach there. If you can, work down from the skull as far down to your shoulders and/or back up from shoulders to skull. Circles, side to side movement, or even one long move like you are stripping wallpaper. You can go deeper if you feel like it; follow what feels right.
Finally, some very very gentle stretching after the muscles have eased some might help.
I would add that you should take two Naproxyn before bed.
Thank you both. I will try all of the above when I get home. I'm camped out in Panera again trying to plow through another ten essays. Three down so far.
OK, so last night I finished the shopping for the Secret Santa present.
Tonight I bought the box, and addressed it.
So maybe tomorrow I'll manage to actually SEND it?
It's not yet 8PM, and I am tired. And BORED. No one is posting. BOO.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't even post as much as I have been, but my brain starts to short circuit if I don't take breaks from these papers. The good ones go quickly, but the bad ones...? My brain hurts trying to follow the "logic" involved. I am so utterly weary and burned out right now that it's not even funny. Go you with your productive self, though!
I think this has to have been about the funniest day of posting, overall, that I've ever seen. And
Having caught up on the last swathe of posts, I now have a sudden urge to eat Turkish Delight while waiting to see if Joe's head explodes.
right now, there is nothing I want to do more than hang out with Jilli.
I hope your neck feels better soon, Kristin and the very best of good luck, Suzi!!!!!
Hey Kristin--I'm hopefully about to see our mutual teen acquaintance in a little bit. She's back from Boston Conservatory for the winter break.
I was woken up at 8:30 by someone pounding on the front door and shouting something that sounded like "I sleeped in front of your house!"
um, could it have been "I slipped in front of your house!"
t /minnesotan
everyone should be home and happy - I declare it.
Mostly because i am now off 'til the 27th.
why didn't anyone explain that blogging is addictive. ( ok , I knew , that is why I haven't done it until now)
y'all can entertain yourself here when everyone is sleeping