I think this has to have been about the funniest day of posting, overall, that I've ever seen. And
Having caught up on the last swathe of posts, I now have a sudden urge to eat Turkish Delight while waiting to see if Joe's head explodes.
right now, there is nothing I want to do more than hang out with Jilli.
I hope your neck feels better soon, Kristin and the very best of good luck, Suzi!!!!!
Hey Kristin--I'm hopefully about to see our mutual teen acquaintance in a little bit. She's back from Boston Conservatory for the winter break.
I was woken up at 8:30 by someone pounding on the front door and shouting something that sounded like "I sleeped in front of your house!"
um, could it have been "I slipped in front of your house!"
t /minnesotan
everyone should be home and happy - I declare it.
Mostly because i am now off 'til the 27th.
why didn't anyone explain that blogging is addictive. ( ok , I knew , that is why I haven't done it until now)
y'all can entertain yourself here when everyone is sleeping
One of the higher up muckity mucks at work can't be lowered to buy coffee from the vending machine, yet doesn't want to keep a coffeemaker in their office (or cubicle six times the size of a help desk workspace).
So they put a brand new Mr. Coffee machine on the three feet of counter space left in the employee lunch closet room.
The only reason I bring this up, is I'm not quite sure of what to make of the LCD timer. It's digital, yes, but shows a representation of an analog clock.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems odd. (see picture)
yeah my parents have that coffee maker. Have you heard the lovely repeated shrill beep it emits to tell you the coffee is ready? It may be the worst sound you could possibly hear before coffee in the morning. The little analog clock is kind of cute, though. It shows you how long the coffee has been sitting by filling in the space behind the second hand. Still I'm happier with my $2 plastic funnel thing because it never beeps at me.
The lead story on The Morning Show this morning? How much snow Boston's got. Apparently, we've gotten 21+ inches in the last week. We broke a record or something. Usually we get most of our snow in January. I guess Mother Nature felt badly that I was going to be in St. Thomas for January, so She got a head start. That evil Mother Nature.
Yes, vw, the snow in Boston is All Your Fault.
Timelies, all!
I'm at work and feeling like I really don't want to be here. I am also currently so large that my belly is pushed against the table when I get close enough to the keyboard to type. This is only a big deal because my belly button is so stretched out that it hurts to have it pushed against the desk. Wah!