Oooh, and we should film the squinchy face Pete makes when I start wurbling on about some particularly whimsical and impractical wardrobe thing I want. It could be a double-feature.
As long as we get to have your face when we type BEEP! show during the credits.
gaaaah! stop it stop it stop it.
Editing question....
What is the best way to write "invoicing $1 - 2 million, monthly"? Like that? With another dollar sign in front of the 2? Some other way???
I'm making the BEEP! motion with my finger right now!
What is the best way to write "invoicing $1 - 2 million, monthly"? Like that? With another dollar sign in front of the 2? Some other way???
Suzi, it's fine the way it is, as long as you take out the spaces on either side of the hyphen.
(Technically, it's supposed to be "$1 million-2 million," because without inserting the first "million" it really means "one dollar to two million dollars." However, that's not how people read it -- the read it as meaning "one million to two million" -- and I've seen even the NY Times use the "$1-2 million" construction.)
(So, to sum up, it's fine, just take out the spaces around the hyphen.)
My #1 resolution for 2008? Figure out how not to be so suggestible to the B-word.
What is the best way to write "invoicing $1 - 2 million, monthly"?
You're missing a "Please make checks payable to Jess" at the end there.
Other than that, I've seen it written $1m-2m, but I'm not sure that's adhering to any style guide beyond "the word 'million' is too long to write twice."
"the word 'million' is too long to write twice."
"Two 'i's, two 'l's...I'm fuckin' exhausted. Jesus. I'ma take a nap."