I just want to say, I'm really sorry if what I said last night offended or insulted anyone. That totally wasn't my intention.
I dunno, Hil, you're sort of an instigating bitch and we all know that by now.
I hate that they've changed the series packaging so that TMN rather than TLTWATW is the first book. It's just not anything like as good an introduction to the series, IMHO.
Huh. Which number in the series was it for you when you were wee? 'Cause it was Book 1 in the editions I was reading as a kid, I'm pretty sure (ah, Narnia! My first ever fandom, back before I knew what fandom was).
Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
God, I remember my Mum walking into a room and finding me sobbing my
out, just weeping and weeping, heartbroken, and she was all "OMG! What what what?" And
was all "....heroic mouse!....self-sacrifice!....Reepicheep!" And when she eventually grasped that her 7 year old was in this state over the fate of a fictional
well, my Mum has never really grokked that side of my personality.
vw, I loved
The Golden Compass.
Loved loved loved. And I didn't find it antithetical to theism either, actually. The direction he takes the subsequent books is more agressively atheist, but at least initially I thought that he was going for agnosticism. YMMV. (As to not letting one's kids read them lest they be OMG corrupted by atheism - I confess, this makes me want to shake people until their teeth rattle. Not least because (a) I adored the Narnia books as a child and knew them inside out and back to front - and, look, Ma, still not Christian; and (b) after reading
His Dark Materials
I realised that, yes, I was more of an agnostic than an atheist. I found the final book spiritually barren, and had not been expecting it to be.)
On a slightly related note, I'm re-reading (well, Audiobooking)
Ender's Game
and its sequels at the moment, and I'm finding all the religious stuff absolutely fascinating.
GF has been un-laid off. That place is weird, but at least this is good weird. I guess her boss went to bat for her.
Which number in the series was it for you when you were wee?
Six. The version that was being published in America when I first read it circa 1980 was TLTWATW, Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader, Silver Chair, Horse and His Boy, Magician's Nephew, Last Battle. Which I think is publication order.
GOOD NEWS, GC! So happy for you both.
That sounds like the same order as the set I had, Susan. Circa 1990 or so. So far, I've read (in this order) TLTWATW, Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader, Magician's Nephew. I think that Silver Chair, Horse and His Boy, Last Battle seems like a reasonable order for the rest. Except that that only one I can find right now is Horse and His Boy.
Horse and His Boy was my favorite as a child because it had horsies and I identified with Aravis.
I really must read the rest of the Narnia series. I've only read TLTWATW.
Even as a child, I much prefered The Hobbit, though I liked both books quite a bit. I still maintain this is because of my Catholic upbringing (though it was a sort of Catholic lite, as I never went to Catholic school, and my mom was not very into it, and turned Methodist by the time I was about 10).
Even my atheism has a very ex-Catholic flavor to it. I'm quite sure my love of Kevin Smith's
is due to its grounding in Catholicism. My preference for Lord of the Rings, as well.
But then, the teachings of Cathol can be quite moving.