Oh dear. I have just discovered a drawback to teaching the Bible as literature. One of my students just gave me a photo album with a godawful picture of two half naked angels on the front. Um.
t passes Kristin brain bleach and mental floss
I've been nodding and pondering all through the religion discussion. It's a strange topic for me, because in a lot of ways I feel like I should be an atheist now. It just seems to be what happens to people from my type of religious background who have a hyper-analytical turn of mind--see under billytea and ND, and I could list example after example from elsewhere in my life. And I've almost come to that point more times than I can count, but I can't seem to pull the trigger. I can't prove there's a God, and the kind of Christianity I was raised to believe just doesn't hold up under my own scrutiny anymore...but I want to believe, and there's still plenty out there that convinces me that there very well might be a God. So I'm sort of an agnostic Christian. Or, as I sometimes explain it, I have the faith of Puddleglum--I try to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there is no Narnia, and I'm on Aslan's side even if there is no Aslan to lead it.