pushes snow, leftover wedding cake, bridesmaid dress, and holly branches off of her head
Very quick driveby post to say that I survived the wedding and snowpocalypse. Wedding was wonderful and beautiful and fun and I'm glad to have another brother.
Also survived snowpocalypse and am not having as much fun with that.
dives into sea of school, cleaning, and holiday preparations.
I had a friend who was a helicopter pilot. She was sometimes called upon to scatter ashes and she said they often ended up back inside the copter all over the gireving loved ones. I seem to recall John Belushi ended up all over his loved ones too. I suppose that's one way to grok your dearly departed.
Re: remains.
Donate everything, burn the rest, put me in a Wizard of Oz cookie jar on the dining room table and have a good, old fashioned Irish wake for me. Get drunk, dance, tell goofy stories, and wear tiaras. No somber funeral, please.
Then, take me to the UP and sprinkle me in Big Bay De Noc.
What kind of drugs?
the smokeable mellow kind
I'm so glad the wedding went well! I still can't believe your sister is married. I think about how she was when she was living with you in the months after I moved out to LA, and I'm boggled that she's all settled and hitched now.
I'm so sorry you've been sick, Megan, but this?
So far, I'm not missing teaching at all. Of course, maybe that's because I still have to think about all the planning and pedagogy that I loved, while not having any actual grading!
Makes me hate you a little. Just a little. But still.
Otherwise I'm just very happy that you're happy. And yes, a trip north is overdue. I will come up as soon as I have time and money to do so.
I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I immediately googled Dan Fogelburp Bloom County.
I will come up as soon as I have time and money to do so.
Free place to stay, complete with all the geeky toys, comics, and games that ND could want!