It could be worse. My parents are in a box in my sister's basement because she can't bring herself to actually do something with the ashes. I've tried to be respectful of her reluctance to let go, but it has become quite ridiculous.
Oh dear. Yes, that is worse. Yikes.
I just got home about 45 minutes ago after teaching a full day and tutoring at night and then scarfed down Indian takeout (nom nom nom). I'm supposed to read and grade 10 more essays tonight to get back on track for this week, and I really don't know how that's going to happen.
Oh my God, my mother would roll over in her grave. You know, if she had one.
t stifling. inappropriate. laughter!
Ooh my nephew got a steel guitar for his birthday. I'm chipping in with the money I would have spent on him for his birthday and Christmas. I think it will cover a couple of frets.
Oh dear. Yes, that is worse. Yikes.
Truly. On the upside, it did make for an excellent clue when I couldn't get my friend to guess cemetary during a round of Taboo.
it did make for an excellent clue when I couldn't get my friend to guess cemetary during a round of Taboo.
Oh my goodness. If I had read that a couple seconds sooner I'd be dripping Mountain Dew out my nose right about now.
Hee! Megan, you're on a roll.
And how the heck are you, btw? We haven't had a chance to catch up in forever.
And, unrelated, why do (Jilli-font) spiders keep biting me, dammit?
I don't want to be cremated. I want to be buried and rot as is right and natural. Then I am in the dirt with all my nitrogen enriching bits instead of air pollution and ashes.
Which takes me into another song. "Bury Me Deep" by Poi Dog Pondering.
And how the heck are you, btw? We haven't had a chance to catch up in forever.
See, this is why you need to come north for a visit!
I've been pretty much out of commission since Thanksgiving. First, with food poisoning, then with the never-ending hacking cough from hell. I sincerely hope this means I won't pick up whatever I usually catch from my niece and nephew over Christmas.
Otherwise, I'm very happy in my new home and job. So far, I'm not missing teaching at all. Of course, maybe that's because I still have to think about all the planning and pedagogy that I loved, while not having any actual grading!
Ooh Poi Dog. Screw "Tea for the Tillerman". Now I want "The Hardest Thing".
My FIL was cremated and then we sprinkled him at sea. A lovely idea unless the wind turns and ends up blowing the ashes the wrong direction and you end up with a snork full. My nephew swears he got Pop's left big toe.
Donate me, burn me, and turn me into flower fertilizer. Unless you can figure a way to sprinkle me on a baseball field.
pushes snow, leftover wedding cake, bridesmaid dress, and holly branches off of her head
Very quick driveby post to say that I survived the wedding and snowpocalypse. Wedding was wonderful and beautiful and fun and I'm glad to have another brother.
Also survived snowpocalypse and am not having as much fun with that.
dives into sea of school, cleaning, and holiday preparations.