Oooh. I just re-compiled my family tree, with a bunch more data I've added to the file. I'm now up to nearly 700 people total, with 378 descendants of the most-distant known ancestor on my dad's side. (This 378 include, so far, six people named Jakob Nathan born in 1903 or 1904. All born within the same three towns. Two of them have the same last name.)
Any chance he was just a bigamist?
I have a question for parents.
At what age did you start letting your babies cry a bit without picking them up right away?
I thought, yeah, students should hear both sides. Even though I think creation is highly unlikely, I think people should be presented with the facts and learn how to make up their own minds about stuff.
The scientific facts support evolution. Creationism is a belief system. Teaching creationism alongside evolutionism implies it has significant grounding in science, which it doesn't. Public schools have a mandate to teach without religious bias, which means that a discussion of creationist beliefs would be appropriate in English (if studying Genesis) or history (if studying religions), but not in science. Biasing a science curriculum to appease one specific religion is vastly unfair to all of the students, imo.
Sorry, sore spot for me.
in NJ, checking off the boxes on the back of your driver's license isn't legally binding at all -- it's just noting a preference.
I'm not sure the driver's license thingie is legally binding anywhere; essentially, since the donor is dead, the question of whether or not to donate is entirely up to the next of kin.
My best friend works for an organ donation center, and she tells me stories about families who were adamant, despite their loved one's will/advance directive/clearly stated wishes/etc., that there was NO WAY they would just "give away" their loved one's "body" like that.
Yes, they're grieving, and that leads to a lot of unexpected decisions. But the lack of education among the general public about organ donation is astonishing.
At what age did you start letting your babies cry a bit without picking them up right away?
Hah - a trick questions. First babies? Or subsequent babies?
I know with my first it took a while, but with CJ, once I knew his basic needs were taken care of, I'd let him fuss on his own from a pretty young age.
Does anyone else have songs picked out? Or am I the only morbid one?
Elvis Costello - "God's Comic"
Any chance he was just a bigamist?
Nope. I've got separate birth records for all of them. (Plus one more Jakob Nathan, son of Nathan Samuel, born 1904, with a last name and birth place that makes them obviously related, but I just can't figure out how. I've got a guess, but it's just a guess.)
At what age did you start letting your babies cry a bit without picking them up right away?
How long is a bit?
I'm not really sure I *have* started it, but I'm of the AP school of parenting.