I'm so sorry, Jessica.
Bereavement fares are based on the highly theoretical actual fares, without discounts, so even when they exist, they rarely save any money. I'm getting $268 RT on Delta and AA. I know that Delta's corporate philosophy is to push all reservations to the website. Apparently they're helping that process by putting idiots on the phone.
The company provided sandwiches for us today to prevent us from sneaking away for lunch. They got a selection from a frou frou deli place. Who the hell puts pineapple in egg salad? Blah!
Who the hell puts pineapple in egg salad?
Only the devil himself, that's who.
Seriously, I'd gag.
Who put egg in the pineapple salad, is what I want to know. I'm gagging too.
Egg salad + pineapple = NAST!
I've cleaned the kitchen and pulled up the paper from the workmen. I still need to:
- Clear clutter
- Sweep
- Dust
- Vacuum
I'm not mopping until they're really all done. No point.
I'm a very experimental cook but egg + pineapple = total yuck.
Ewwww, I have big love for pineapple. I have big love for egg salad. But I don't even want them in the same sentence.
Maybe they ran out of HFCS to randomly throw in everything.
I'm going to have to get a dozen eggs and whip up some of my own egg salad just to get my brain back in a good place. But I think I'm out of sweet pickles.
I am so freaking exhausted that I may fall asleep in the stylist's chair. Yay haircut and color. Boo no time for nap before holiday party.
Oh, ND, there is a full dinner tonight at 7:45, so at least we don't have scarf food down on top of everything else.