I am so freaking exhausted that I may fall asleep in the stylist's chair. Yay haircut and color. Boo no time for nap before holiday party.
Oh, ND, there is a full dinner tonight at 7:45, so at least we don't have scarf food down on top of everything else.
I'm glad a had a decent egg salad sandwich Wednesday otherwise I'd have to make some for myself as well.
No! No sweet in egg salad. Olives and horseradish are what is needed for the yum egg salad.
I am intrigued by Laura's egg salad. What type of olive?
I just got my hair cut and colored today, Kristin!
Green salad olives. (but I do love any olives)
Oh Scrappy, my stylist is on maternity leave. I may need to get a rec from you for someone to see while she's out.
Laga, I think I may just make you the weirdest mix CD I can. That could be fun, unless you hate it.