Can't count on that in DC--when I served on a trial, one of the women was a lawyer--who had just gotten back from maternity leave. It was a two week trial, and she was PISSED. If she wasn't working, she wanted to be home with the baby! We also had an ex-cop on the jury. Bizarre, no?
DC is desperate for jurors. Whe I worked there, we had to start issuing bench warrants for people who didn't show up for grand jury dugy. the cops wouldn't go after them, but it was a pain the ass when they went to register their car or got pulled over for speeding.
Yikes. Just checked my messages, and there's one from my landlord, asking me to call her back. I'm almost positive that this is because my rent has been late lately -- today was the last day of the grace period for this month, and I forgot to send it in this month. (It's not that I don't have the money. It's just that I'm a flake and keep forgetting to pick up my paycheck, and I can't pay the rent without the paycheck money in my account. And I've already looked into it, and I can't have the paycheck be direct deposit -- I have to physically walk across campus to the registrar's office, pick it up, and walk to the bank and deposit it.)
I hate my brain. Stupid. Can't remember simple things like "get money" or "pay for living space." Or, frequently, "buy food." (Dinner last night was vaccuum-packed tofu crumbled in broth made from a bouillon cube. Today, I went grocery shopping.)
So, I don't THINK she's talking about me, because Monk put the rope on me, not her, but...I could've been!
My brain is much the same way, Hil. It's frustrating. Hope the landlord fallout isn't too bad.
My favorite christmas songs are all depressing minor key songs, though. "I Wonder as I Wander" "Lullay Thou Little Tiny Child," and "Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming" stick out.
In the same basic vein, I love "Of the Father's Love Begotten" and "O Come, O Come Immanuel."
I also love the very upbeat obscure French carols our choir director occasionally pulls out--"Now Is Born the Child Divine" and one we learned this year called "Look to the East." They're intricate and have fun alto lines.
Favorite Christmas song ever? "Merry Christmas from the Family" That is sooooo my dad's side of the family. I also love "Merry Christmas, Baby"
I need help. I always get a new dress for New Year's. I have to do the same thing every year, so I get a new dress.
What do we like best? Keep in mind I have curves, a bit of a tummy, but awesome legs.
Dress: [link] Shoes: [link]
Dress: [link] Shoes: [link]
Dress: [link] Shoes: [link]
Dress: [link] Shoes: [link]
I like Dress #2. It's a great color.
I'll second dress #2 and nominate shoes #4 to go with.
In order of my preference: 4, 1, 3, 2
Oooh, what about #2 in teal? [link] I love teal on me, and I'm a little afraid of the rust clashing with my hair.