I thought, "This seems like a particularly Jilli issue what with the big ad by Kambriel, the Voltaire profile and the Steampunk fashion spread." And there she was on page 11 at the Goth Convergence. (The report of which was super gossippy and catty and fun.)
Oh, you people with your talk of coldness are filling me with trepidation. Here it is cold enough that I can switch off the A/C for several hours at a time. God, I'm in for
a shock to the system when I fly back on Saturday...
for stupid bloody typos from the stupid bloody keyboard
I have to share this. Two of the 10th grade (goofy and brilliant) students decided to write a song for one of their bio assignments (don't ask me what about; I teach English). Anyway, just to give you an idea of the school I work in? Watch this video:
All of the dancers are teachers I work with. I'm not sure how I escaped getting roped in for this one since the girls who made it are two of my favorites from last year, but escape I did.
Enjoy! Laugh!
Kristin, that is adorable. Adorkable, even. What a great staff.
Sigh. I'm so sick of everything. Also have had a headache all day, and still coughing.
And when you make plans to see me, and dont' show, and don't call? And I email you and have to throttle back on my disappointment and what I want to say, because you're still a new friend, and mildly email instead of calling "Hey, thought I was going to see you last night, was sad not to". And your response is basically "Yeah, I didn't feel good, I was sad too"??? Like...(a) you live two blocks away, and (b) you COULD HAVE FREAKIN CALLED? I'm just so sick of all of this. I'm tired and depressed and sick and disappointed in people. And tomorrow is Monday. I hate Mondays. Goddamnit.
t /emodumpspew
I was scared when I heard my roommate was looking for a new place but now that I know that fell through I really wish he would. He keeps turning off the porch light to save energy. OK I guess that makes sense but I have told him several times that I don't feel comfortable coming home to a dark house and I have trouble unlocking the door in the dark. Today I came home and once again the porch light was off. Luckily the door was unlocked so I didn't have any trouble getting in but then I find the heat is set to 73 degrees! Dude, the energy you save by turning off one light does not make up for the energy you waste by turning the heat up four degrees. Our gas bill was $100 last month, electricity was $55.
Wow. That's three strikes in one shot by my count. 1. Leaving light off, 2. leaving door unlocked (Wonderful combo), and 3. Excessive heat.
I'm sorry about your lousy weekend, meara. {{{{you}}}}
Laga, that sounds ridiculous. Your concerns are completely valid and totally outweigh his energy worries, imo.
One bulb uses a minimal amount of electricity, particularly if it's a compact flourescent. Someone tripping in the dark will cost a lot more.
{{meara}} Sorry about the crap weekend. May Monday surprise you with unexpected delights.
Oh my Kristin, the only thing that could make that video more fun would be you dancing along. Cute.
Up past my bedtime again. Fixing that now. G'night all.
One bulb uses a minimal amount of electricity, particularly if it's a compact flourescent. Someone tripping in the dark will cost a lot more.
Dude! Especially with Laga's front steps. Oy vey! Laga, would a flashlight help for when he turns off the light, since it sounds like he will.