Aimee - is that school back in California? Are tney nuts?
dana - I like your lateness theory. I was actually surprised. I mean, schools aren't out, roads are clear - where was everyone? (And we had at least 3 inches. It actually made the sidewalks better because snow is easier to walk on than ice.)
Can you retake the one class with U of P but still do the lit class at the cc?
Aimee - is that school back in California? Are tney nuts?
No, University of Phoenix is all on-line. I can do it anywhere.
By which I mean porn.
Can you retake the one class with U of P but still do the lit class at the cc?
Nope. I have to take both classes now in order to have my balance Go Away.
Sent an email to my boss feeling her out about working from home today (which I already did yesterday) but it was quickly followed by emails from two colleagues announcing that they were WFH, so I guess I have to suck it up and go in. (See what I get for asking?)
And, in follow-up to my last, what I get for asking is being marginally on the good side of the upcoming "conversation" that my boss is scheduling re work from home policy. Eep.
It seems weird to me that they use the word "promotion" in relation to school. Like they are salesmen, which just seems...unacademic or something.
Anyway, I know they suck, but I'd totally take their class if it meant saving money and/or getting rid of the F.
ugh, Aims. I guess the best thing you can do is take these 2 classes at UP and then maybe switch over to the community college?
It seems weird to me that they use the word "promotion" in relation to school. Like they are salesmen, which just seems...unacademic or something.
University of Phoenix is a for-profit university (also publically traded, I think) so, yeah. Selling the brand is pretty overt with for-profits (though it sure could be argued the non-profits do it as well, just a little less forthrightly)
ay. missed bus to airport. got on metro. metro broke down. passed bus, though. on other bus. hoping to get to airport in time. gah.
This is why DC is one of the few places where I'll pay a serious premium to fly into National rather than Dulles. In Chicago, I prefer Midway, but it's no biggie if O'Hare is the better deal. In DC it makes a huge difference.
"But it's a perfec' day, Momma!"
'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww's to death
University of Phoenix is a for-profit university (also publically traded, I think) so, yeah. Selling the brand is pretty overt with for-profits (though it sure could be argued the non-profits do it as well, just a little less forthrightly)
I worked for a for-profit jr. college and they were NOT overt and would give students "inspiring" speeches and pressure them into things like doing internships where they learned very little but the school didn't have to pay instructors. Most of the students felt pretty quickly like they were being conned but that they couldn't really stop for various reasons (including the "inspiring" speeches). The faculty was treated horribly, we lacked basic supplies... it was miserable.
It was the adminstration that sucked, though. The instructors were very dedicated to actually teaching their students even though the students pretty much had to show up to graduate. I did my best to get them valid internships (though the school would have taken ANYTHING), and the bulk of the students really wanted to learn.