Teppy isn't the only one snarking on the White Death in Ohio.
Heh. That's funny! I'm glad that we haven't found the TV yet, post-moving, so that we didn't have to deal with the forecasts of Doom And Gloom last night. Because, in actuality, we got maybe 1 inch overnight.
(I was hoping for a snow day, dang it.)
I'm almost finished with my class! Last night was the end of the presentations and she finally had some of our grades. Not our papers, because she hasn't finished those, but our 4 exams. I have a 92. Which is better than I thought.
I'm no longer thinking that I'm going to end up with a C in this class.
I was late this morning on a day when I really needed to be early.
(I think I need to take some time off - I'm finding it extremely difficult to leave the house in the morning -- always a bad sign.)
But with the excuse of funky bus stuff given the snow I think it's okay.
Seriously, I got in 20 minutes late and NOBODY else was here except for our poor student worker who was waiting patiently for somebody to let her in.
sumi, if you beat everyone else in, you weren't late.
I am *so* jealous of you people with snow. I am so in the wrong climate.
Sent an email to my boss feeling her out about working from home today (which I already did yesterday) but it was quickly followed by emails from two colleagues announcing that they were WFH, so I guess I have to suck it up and go in. (See what I get for asking?)
Because, in actuality, we got maybe 1 inch overnight.
Let it snow! I hope you are enjoying having The Boy to snuggle with on cold nights.
I have a 92
sends saltines to Suzi
sends Suzi Reeds Ginger Brew through interpipes
I also meant WooHoos for Aimee yesterday.
I haven't looked outside yet, so I don't know if there's snow. I don't have to be anywhere until 1 pm, although I do need to get my oil changed. Which may or may not happen today. Again.
All my Bitches need to be allowed to go home/stay home and go back to bed if they wish.
I will write you a note. Now, get in line for your notes.