Instead, he drove a university transit bus. Turns out, they had their own group/mixers, big/little sisters/brothers, and a bus rodeo at the end of each year. They did manage to mow down one of the serpentine walls during my tenure as a writer on the weekly university journal. So when he found out that I was behind the 'top 10 ways not to get a UTS Safety award' column, that was an interesting discussion. He threatened to sic the bus-brotherhood on me.
did you go to UVA, this sounds awfully familiar.
yes, I actually trained to drive at UTS. Unfortunately, my lack of hand eye coordination became problematic.
Huh. I know someone (else) that studied AI at the University of Edinburgh.
no kidding! DH was 91 or 90 (can't remember) -> 95. His hand-eye-coordination got better... and they let him drive with 20/400 vision. He told me all the codes once, before they changed them. Who knew they needed 'bus-on-fire' so often. or three different codes for 'bus-stuck-under-that-darn-bridge-by-the-whitespot'
eta: er, that last possibly because they let people drive with 20/400 vision...
I had left over perogies (from frozen), peppers, and onions for lunch. And 2 clemetines. And a cookie. And a piece of pecan coffee cake. Plus 3 cookies for breakfast. For the past two days I've felt like the Very Hungry Caterpillar.
I stayed home from school today. Sleeping in was nice, but now I have to get to work to justify this indulgence.
no kidding! DH was 91 or 90 (can't remember) -> 95.
Oh, before my time. I was in the summer of 90, I think.
I am totally and completely charmed by the idea of a fraternal order of buses...and their annual rodeo. How incredibly cool is that?
mine put me in touch with a group of fantastically smart women I might have missed out on getting to know on an otherwise huge campus.
This is what I assumed they were all supposed to be like before I entered into the rush process...and I'm pretty sure it is what my sadstory roommate expected as well. But once she was in, the awful just turned into a hellish snowball (imagine spikes of you-HAVE-toos and the broken glass of inescapable conformity).
I've mentioned in here before how hard it was just being the roommate of a rushie...having my room trashed around me, being threatened with haha bondage, total lack of respect for space, property or time. I literally cried for her over the sleep deprivation, debasement and insane logic brainwashing.
I'm glad to hear that other'sgreekmilagevaried because I'd hate to see that crap being spread any further than our campus walls.
Sox, what a wonderful resource site Travels with Child is! I'll definitely pass it on to my clients who are sure their traveling lives must end with the onset of children.
I always counter with my March-mate who strapped her 6 month old on her back and walked 3,000 miles, but your site is much more useful.