I was just talking about this today -- I'm not sure how people manage to work full-time jobs and have hobbies, let alone go to school, hold down second jobs, or raise kids. I'm barely managing one job.
Er... or is that the depression? God, I hope it's the depression, since the alternative is that I'm kind of like half a person. And it's the lame half.
In other news, did anyone else watch "Tin Man" last night? Or is it being talked about somewhere else?
I watched it! I assume they're talking about it in Boxed Set but I don't go in there anymore on account of the spoilers.
I fell asleep a couple times the first time through and I wasn't very happy with it. When my roommate came home I stayed awake the whole way through the second watching and I found it much more engaging but it definitely drags in spots. I feel like they had to add some padding in order to stretch it out to a miniseries.
I'm recording it -well I'm recording it at the repeat because Life and The Closoer AND Saving Grace are all on tonight as well.
I'm trying to decide, if Alan Cumming wasn't in it, if I would still be enjoying it. Usually I'm squeeriffic over Zooey Deschanel but for some reason I'm not really digging her in this role.
blahghhh. we just pulled the most horrible disgusting tick off of our 14 year old dog. It must have been there for ages, just under her leg. I can't believe I didn't notice it before tonight. I can't believe the tech who clipped her nails last week didn't notice it. I think I got all out, but man that was gross and now DH and I are all creepy crawly and creeped out. We have the offender locked in two ziploc plastic baggies for identification and then, I hope, destruction. I want to take her to the vet tomorrow just to make sure she's ok. I am chained to my desk tomorrow. This is of the suck.
Usually I'm squeeriffic over Zooey Deschanel but for some reason I'm not really digging her in this role.
Cow eyes. That's my thinking on this. Particularly the very last scene, where her reaction shot is like, "uh. Moo?"
hope it is one of the harmless ticks, Sox.
I'm recording Tin Man, no idea when I will get around to watching it. I really want to like it.
Someone from PG&E is supposed to come hook up my gas line so I can use my new dryer. They told me they'd come between 8 am and 8 pm today, so I have been faithfully waiting but I don't know if I can make this last 45 minutes. If no one shows I think I will cry. I just want to do my laundry. And leave the house. Not necessarily in that order.
In my experience whenever a service tech is supposed to be at my house between x and y they don't show up more than 5 minutes before y.
I just had someone from PG&E a couple of weeks ago to light all my pilots and he showed up right in the middle of the service window. Bastards, falsely building my trust.
I know that the minute I go out someone would show up, they won't get me that way.