I'm a good Disciplinarian. But a sucky disciplinarian.
For the record, I did actually almost spit banana onto my monitor when I read this.
Just took a car trunkload of clothes (4 kitchen trash bags full, 1 bag of which was all coats) and a 4-foot Xmas tree to Goodwill.
Sadly, that doesn't even make a dent in the chaos at Chez Teppy, because those clothes didn't even make it into The Boy's house.
When I go the dentist, they always say my gums are a filthy mess. But my mom gets the same thing and she flosses and water-piks and whatever so much, if she let the floss run out, I'd say "But, Detective Pembleton, something's happened to my mother...she's got no dental floss. She would never, ever, do that."
I'm a good Disciplinarian. But a sucky disciplinarian.
For the record, I did actually almost spit banana onto my monitor when I read this.
That's banana, not Banana, right?
Poor Cash, but don't be too hard on yourself. My boy is a handful and a half too. I like to use the term "high energy" to describe my babies.
Isaac likes the pink too. I think lots of wee boys do. I'm convinced that while some gender preferences might be hardwired, disliking pink isn't one of them.
my brother used to like getting painted fingernails.
And he would hate that I told you that.
I've read that 100 years ago, pink was for boys and blue was for girls.
That's banana, not Banana, right?
Right. Because I'm at work.
I have run out of pressing things to do today. I am not looking to find anything to do either. 1) it's Monday, so, screw that. 2) I wanna leave early to play Rock Band @ ND. Now I am waiting for boss to come back from lunch so I can have a talk with him about a project. But I got nothing to do until then. I've already done the LA Times Sudoku. I could clean the desk or read a script... but screw that, it sounds like work.
/1st world problems.
Right. Because I'm at work.
Sure, but its with a bunch of right-wing Christians, and you know how
Brendon loved pink when he was wee, but denies it ever happened now. Denies the huge Barney love he had too, but I understand that one.
I regret not having adequate photo proof of these stages.