Ah. Well, yes, you're probably right. Although I'm usually at work between 7.30am and 8am (7.40 this morning), and have just got home at 8.30pm. So I think some of the wrong is mine. Not that I
to share it, mind.
God, my feet are killing me. And tomorrow morning? We take the kids on a sponsored walk (not that most of them have grasped what this actually
I'll be staggered if more than 3 of my 20 have got any sponsors) around Lumpini Park in the baking sun.
We are supposed to wear yellow 'We Love The King' shirts. I have bought one. I have put it on. I have screamed in horror and removed it.
They do not pay me enough to wear a yellow polo shirt. No. Fucking. Way. Just - no.
So I'm wearing my Mediaval Von Trapp frock, with a yellow scarf. Even though I wore that today. I don't care.
I have not yet decided whether I will wear the yellow baseball cap provided "as a personal gift" by the woman who's head of the Parent Teacher Group for each member of staff.
It is yellow. And a baseball cap.
I do not
either yellow
baseball caps.
Her son's name? James Bond. I mean, their family name isn't Bond, it's something Thai. He's James Bond SomethingThai.
They do not pay me enough to wear a yellow baseball cap provided by people who choose to call their child James Bond, imho.
...I'm pretty much expecting that tomorrow afternoon will involve the children falling asleep on the carpet, exhausted (and perhaps dehydrated?) after trudging around the park in the heat of the morning. They've all been told to bring water, but I'll anticipating that a fair few will forget.
...God. Seriously, knackered. And tomorrow evening we have our Staff Christmas Do. We're all going to be crashed out. Thank God Wednesday's a holiday. (King's 80th Birthday)
Mornings and Mondays. Conjoined joy. Thank goodness my first class doesn't need much attention from me aside from "close Internet Explorer and go back to your drawing, please."
On the upside, I got up on time today! On the downside, it was because the wind was so loud I was afraid it was going to pick up the house and whisk it away. My cat was scared. The frogurt is also cursed.
Fay, James Bond? And yellow baseball cap? *shudder*
Oh, Fay. No. Ouch.
This post has no other real content other than to announce I am working to switch over to gmail. I have changed my profile addy. I'm not dumping my old e-mail address - at least not for a while - but want to move as much to gmail as possible.
That is all.
Thank you.
Try the fish.
Could be worse. My friend (Liberty) has a brother named Richard Nixon Lastname.
So, I'm very situationally depressed today. And it's icky outside. And I'm seriously considering canceling my tutoring appointments and just staying at home in my jammies all day, because, really? I don't feel like bursting into tears in front of my tutoring students.
vw, any chance you'll feel better by getting out? I know I've had similar situations where I feel like crap inside but once I get out and put on a face for The Humans, I actually do get better.
Yeah, I'm considering it. I'm just not sure it's gonna work.
The thing that is kind of sucky is that the only person that has all of the context of this situation is my therapist, and she's out of town until Friday. I mean, I could call or page the covering therapist, but it would take so long to explain the backstory, that it just doesn't feel worth it.
And quite frankly, I just don't really feel like talking about it with anyone. And, in my experience, it doesn't get better until I do that, when it's as situational as this is. So, there's a big part of me that feels like today is about distress tolerance, not opposite to emotion action (sorry...therapy terms).
So the distress tolerance is just hunkering down until you can talk to your therapist, right? {{{vw}}} You've been doing so well lately. You'll make it through the day.
Our Christmas tree in the new bay window.
I stupidly bought the kids these plastic snow globes that play obnoxious, tinny Christmas carols and I'm now praying the batteries run down quickly.
vw, what you are upset about - well that situation just sucks. You have to take care of yourself first or you won't be able to take care of anyone else - remember that as you make your decision. If you have to take today as a mental health day, do it, and count yourself lucky that your job is flexible enough that you can. If you are not sure if you should do that because you are not sure if you deserve to take good care of yourself - take the day. If you find yourself waffling because you really are not sure what you need to do to take care of yourself - then it might be a good idea to try going in, because you can always change your mind, cancel appointments and go home, if need be. You do deserve to take care of yourself.