Awesome boots!
my brother discovered that his son was of the idea that christmas was all about baby cheeses he did nothing to disabuse him of that notion
That is
So lactose intolerance = atheism? What did the Three Kings bring? Mould, Camembert and Brie?
I had a college friend, very observant Conservative Jew, and one day we were at some kind of buffet where he absolutely loaded up on the cheese tray. I just kind of stared at his plate, and he said, "What can I say? I just a Jew for Cheeses."
Typo just discovered in my WIP:
My point-of-view character is a general, used to commanding armies but thrust by various strange circumstances into going renegade, currently with only a scared 17-year-old kid for company. He's trying to get the kid to buck up and not break down until they're out of immediate danger, and he wishes he had a good sergeant with him, because he's not used to reassuring frightened young pirates.
It took me four readings to realize what was wrong with the sentence.
Generals and Pirates, eh? Bit like Vicars and Tarts.
t poking head in
We just put up our tree and decorated it! I am happy. Going to bed now, Night!
Generals and Pirates, eh? Bit like Vicars and Tarts.
Bwah! My thought exactly.
Jilli, remember how I mentioned the catalog that I get that reminds me of you? It's Brocade: [link]
I was in work at seven this morning. All of the wrong, it is belong to me.
Ah. Well, yes, you're probably right. Although I'm usually at work between 7.30am and 8am (7.40 this morning), and have just got home at 8.30pm. So I think some of the wrong is mine. Not that I
to share it, mind.
God, my feet are killing me. And tomorrow morning? We take the kids on a sponsored walk (not that most of them have grasped what this actually
I'll be staggered if more than 3 of my 20 have got any sponsors) around Lumpini Park in the baking sun.
We are supposed to wear yellow 'We Love The King' shirts. I have bought one. I have put it on. I have screamed in horror and removed it.
They do not pay me enough to wear a yellow polo shirt. No. Fucking. Way. Just - no.
So I'm wearing my Mediaval Von Trapp frock, with a yellow scarf. Even though I wore that today. I don't care.
I have not yet decided whether I will wear the yellow baseball cap provided "as a personal gift" by the woman who's head of the Parent Teacher Group for each member of staff.
It is yellow. And a baseball cap.
I do not
either yellow
baseball caps.
Her son's name? James Bond. I mean, their family name isn't Bond, it's something Thai. He's James Bond SomethingThai.
They do not pay me enough to wear a yellow baseball cap provided by people who choose to call their child James Bond, imho.
...I'm pretty much expecting that tomorrow afternoon will involve the children falling asleep on the carpet, exhausted (and perhaps dehydrated?) after trudging around the park in the heat of the morning. They've all been told to bring water, but I'll anticipating that a fair few will forget.
...God. Seriously, knackered. And tomorrow evening we have our Staff Christmas Do. We're all going to be crashed out. Thank God Wednesday's a holiday. (King's 80th Birthday)
Mornings and Mondays. Conjoined joy. Thank goodness my first class doesn't need much attention from me aside from "close Internet Explorer and go back to your drawing, please."
On the upside, I got up on time today! On the downside, it was because the wind was so loud I was afraid it was going to pick up the house and whisk it away. My cat was scared. The frogurt is also cursed.