Jessica, so sorry and sending out the ma~~~~
happy birthday to Ms. Em.
Figuring out Santa wasn't real was not traumatic for me. But there were a whole bunch of things that added up to that . I was interested in all kinds of magical creatures, but I couldn't completely ever believe without seeing. Then there was the fact that Santa was different in different countries. And somehow , I knew the difference between pretend and and lies. And pretending was fun for everyone. Yes, even grown ups.
Steph - you post about waking up next to the boy xmas morning made my day.
From anyone else? I'd prefer that they try to remember I'm not a feeble-minded 3-year-old and that I keep close tabs on my health, and I'm well aware of what I might -- or even might NOT -- need to "work on," and that I have a damned good doctor who works with me on these things, and therefore *they* (the non-doctor friend/family member/boyfriend filled with concern that OMGFATKILLS!) don't need to ride herd on my (normal) blood pressure.
yup yup yup and double yup. I'm in charge. no one else can be. There are ways to help. But telling me what to do , what to eat and hat I need to go to the doctor- umm,I'm not a child, I know how my body works better than you and I am not doctor avoident.
TCG's band was in the
He's the one on the far left; unfortunately you can't see his handsome face because of the masks.
It's sad that our tags cut off the end of the first amendment.
Ah well, I have a Buffy quote backup.
Andi and I have tomorrow off. We had 4 whole days off together in November.
We'll have three more together at the end of the week.
I'm hoping it's a trend.
OTOH? Forecast for tomorrow for here says:
"Snow: 100% chance of precipitation"
It goes into more detail for tomorrow:
9 AM Likely Snow
12 PM Definite Snow
3 PM Definite Snow
6 PM Definite Snow
9 PM Definite Freezing Rain , Definite Light Ice Pellets (sleet)
I'm hoping that's not a trend.
so I got an email this afternoon. The job I applied for in Texas has filled the position, and it wasn't me. Its not that big of a deal, as I realized I really love the friends I have here. The thing that sucks is they never even called.
:: bruised ego ::
Daniel, we bought a snow blower this evening. Hedging our bets against a trend.
omnis, that sucks. Really, they should contact candidates and not leave them hanging.
I didn't know you'd applied for a job in Texas, omnis.
I'm glad you didn't get it. Punk.
Hivemind question, at least for the straight male portion of the hivemind...
To what degree do you notice the appearance of other men, and what sort of details do you pick up on? I'm having this problem in my WIP that a relationship is coming across slashier than I'd intended (though I do mean for it to be a leetle slashy) because my own perspective as a woman who'd find both men pretty damn hot is coming through a bit too much when I'm in their POVs. It's subtle--it's not like I have them noticing each other's lean hips or getting lost in each other's deep blue/golden brown eyes--but I'm writing with a bit too female a gaze for male POV, I think.