(They're presently trying to show the story to the other kids, many of whom are busy with lego/building swords out of scrap paper/drawing flowers with sketch pens/other such pursuits)
Goodness. When my kids get free time, they all want to play Tetris. And sneak onto Facebook.
My apocalypse skillset consists mainly of belly dancing. What? It seems to be a survival skill in all the movies!
I never believed in Santa, which provided a good education in "just because you know the truth does not mean it's always a good idea to tell it." It also made for a very uncomfortable church Christmas party one year: "I have a present here for Emily! Where's Emily? Come on up and get your present from Santa!" "No. I don't know who that man is, and I don't want to go up there." But the idea of the finding-out stage always sounds heart-wrenching.
And holy cow, happy birthday Emeline!
I lost my faith in Santa when I was in kindergarten. Santa came to visit us, and the horrible truth was whispered among us - "Santa came in a car!"
Happy Emeline Day! And congrats to mommy and daddy.
Santa exists in Laura's house. We have discussed this before! There will be no dissing of the Santa! The boys in my house know that they dare not speak of the possibility of Santa being anything but real. Santa exists. They will mess with me occasionally to get the Evil Mom Glare. But being fans of finding presents under the tree they always confess their true belief.
{{Emmett & parental units}}
Part of my difficulty with Santa before I lost my faith was that we had no fireplace, so if Santa came down the chimney he'd end up in the furnace. So my parents told us he'd find some other way in. So then I was thinking about that - maybe Santa could make himself (and his bag of presents) real super skinny so he could slip between the cracks in the doors. But then that was almost too much magic to believe in.
Did anyone else watch the Hogswatch movie?
Family lore goes that I told my older sister that there was no Santa and she was 'a stupid' for believing in him on Christmas morning when I was six. I don't remember it, though.
Happy birthday Emeline!
But he kind of killed me when he said, "It was just nice believing that there was somebody as good as Santa in the world. It was just nice to believe that."
Tell him there is: Him.
Or Superman.
What? Superman is real dammit!