I hadn't noticed the S issue, but I did know she calls her friend Laura Wowa and says her grandmothers are in Okwahoma and Awabama
....Susan, I think that Annabel might be Thai.
Okay, not a helpful response - but the speech issues you're describing sound an awful lot like the way most of my Thai speakers pronounce English. fwiw. Which probably isn't much. Um.
Meanwhile, I can't believe nobody asked SA about her tattoo! What is it, SA? Where is it? Are there photographs?
Yeah, this 2012 business - I spent this morning with my coworker and her Reiki Master. Theoretically I was going to watch them, but in the end I was actually helping them.
To do what, you might well ask.
Well, no, I'm being imprecise for comical effect. Ghost relocating is perhaps more accurate. We were not armed with shotguns full of salt, and there was no Metallicar, nor was there any sign of Mister StayPuft. And frankly, I'm still not at all sure whether I think that the Reiki Master is (1) stupid and dellusional or (2) a con man. Or indeed (3) on the level. I remain open minded*. (Although, actually, I think that 'stupid' may be a safe bet one way or the other.) Regardless of the above, vortices were closed, vortices were opened, spirits were enabled to transcend this plane and there were angels and fairies right, left and centre. Apparently.
*Let it be made clear that even if Reiki Master Guy IS deluded and/or a con man, that this doesn't mean that there are no spooky things. There may well be spooky things, to which I remain insensitive - certainly several people I know and respect have had lots of spooky psychic experiences, and just because I've not had such experiences doesn't mean they aren't happening. But I'm not all that convinced that Reiki Master Guy is in touch with them, and he does spout an awful lot of stuff that makes me want to roll my eyes forever.
Such as: The Atlantians had the technology to blow up meteorites in space, but they decided NOT to blow up a meteorite that was heading towards the earth because they didn't want to mess with the order of things. Or his references to a Thai friend of his who is an expert on alien contact, and is often invited over to the States by NASA to explain what aliens want, and why they're kidnapping men and anally probing them. (I had an irresistible flash of Supernatural's slowdancing alien, at this point, and deserve a gold star for not betraying my inner hilarity by so much as a twitch.)
Hmm. So that was all very interesting. And then I came to Sukhumvit to have a dress fitting, and ended up ordering yet another dress from the tailor.