"I wish I knew how to quit you."
Hey, that's my footage! (The ad shows a lion and a zebra running towards each other and embracing with cheesy romance music playing in the background. It's a Japanese company so I have no idea what they're actually advertising, but it's our lion and zebra. With some CGI-assistance, naturally.)
I used to have an LJ icon with that image. Can't remember where I got it, though.
Happy Birthday, Hil!
And Happy Late Birthday, Jessica!
I feel like ass.
Fortunately, my faux-cha latte is heling my tummy to calm down.
Happy birthdays, Jessica and Hil!!!
I can't do much more than pay for half of a plane ride and offer her a free place to stay, but I still hate that she is on the opposite end of the country, unhappy and there's nothing I can do about it.
Dude, that's a lot you've tried to do. I'm sorry that T is unhappy, but she did have the ability to book the flight earlier. Not meaning to sound mean- sucks that she's unhappy- but she needed to do something about it before fares went through the roof. No need to take this on as your own personal responsibility, m'dear!
Back at work today. Harumph.
Happy birthday, Hil!
sj, Nora is correct -- offering to pay for 1/2 of the ticket is a lot. Is T somewhere in Dallas? I can't remember. We might be able to find her a place to go for Thanksgiving (my DH grew up there and still has some good friends around).
Back at work today. Harumph.
Ditto. What is it with professors who think I can spend all day on a fishing expedition for them? Dude, if you want me to find something in the literature, you'd better come up with better search words than "international cooperation" because I am not going to vet thousands of hits. Not. Gonna.
Happy B-day, Hil!
Ah, a nice bracing walk through the frost. Weather says it's supposed to be in the 60s today, but this morning...I think they were lying to make me go to work.
"No, no! It'll be okay! Trust us and our new Ultra-Spiffy Doppler Crystal Ball Doohickey!!"
You didn't take you iPod this morning!